
Edwin J. Bernard
Published: 18 July 2010


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  • #US: #Illinois is now the second state to completely reverse its #HIVcriminalisation law… 02 Aug 2021
  • #Illinois#HIVcriminalisation law was rooted in fear and racial biases.” #HIVJustice 02 Aug 2021
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  • RT @edwinjbernard: Congratulations to the many individuals and organisations involved in this remarkable achievement. Inspiring advocates f… 30 Jul 2021
  • #Illinois fully repeals its #HIVcriminalisation law becoming only the second #US state ever to do so. Illinois’… 30 Jul 2021
  • Get to know @alisapower in our #MindTheGap segment from our #HIVJustice Live! show! WATC… 29 Jul 2021
  • [TOMORROW] No one should be punished simply because they have a health condition. An open interactive discussion… 29 Jul 2021
  • The arrest of a man accused of failing to tell a partner that he had #HIV has sparked fresh controversy about a Mex… 29 Jul 2021
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  • RT @ShaunMellors: "Bans on the entry and residence of foreign citizens and stateless persons with HIV, according to the document, were esta… 28 Jul 2021
  • RT @kenpinkela: I welcome this data - If we have to show them the financial impact to get them to listen - So Be It - #stigma #hate is a wa… 28 Jul 2021
  • #HIVcriminalisation in #Florida: length of incarceration and fiscal implications 28 Jul 2021
  • [Update] #US: #Missouri Governor signs bill that modernises #HIVcriminalisation laws #HIVJustice 27 Jul 2021
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  • #US: New analysis from the Williams Institute shows that at least 154 people were incarcerated for #HIV crimes in F… 27 Jul 2021
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  • #Russia: Law prohibiting migrants living with #HIV from staying in the country does not just legalise discriminatio… 27 Jul 2021
  • #US: The military's #HIV policies are discriminatory — and decades behind the times. People living with HIV are sti… 27 Jul 2021
  • #Missouri’s redo of its #HIVcriminalisation law is a good start—but it is not enough… 26 Jul 2021

HIV can be life-threatening and, even under the best of circumstances with current medical interventions, results in an incurable illness that warrants ongoing medical management. This often involves treatment with a complex range of drugs requiring daily adherence and the potential for short- and long-term side effects. While HIV is certainly no longer the proverbial ‘death sentence’ for people with access to antiretroviral treatment, it could in a sense be considered a ‘life sentence’: even the healthiest HIV-positive person who understands the implications of the diagnosis is aware that the virus will always be a part of his or her future.

But the potential actual harm of HIV is not the only reason that the criminal justice system has focused on this particular communicable disease above all others. Another important reason is the stigma attached to the virus. HIV may have been singled out as a communicable harm that warrants the exceptional attention of the criminal justice system – above and beyond what rational science knows about the virus – due to HIV-related stigma.

Justice Edwin Cameron argues that the appropriate response is to move towards the 'normalisation' of HIV within the criminal justice system: "[W]e must keep in mind that the struggle for rationality in the epidemic has always been to secure equivalent treatment for those with and at risk of HIV. If we do so, our task becomes clearer. In this context 'normalisation' of HIV embraces on the one hand the application of ordinary rules of criminal law to conduct that by any reckoning deserves prosecution; but on the other, equally, resistance to exceptional prosecutions and enactments targeting HIV status alone."1

Concepts of 'harm' may differ between jurisdictions. However, those who create and uphold the criminal law have an obligation to be accurate and up to date about the facts related to HIV before they decide what exactly is harmful about HIV exposure or transmission. Lawmakers and judges alike have a duty to consider and reconsider whether any of the aspects of HIV-related harm that come before them are, in fact, serious enough to warrant prosecution, conviction and/or enhanced sentencing.


  1. Cameron E The Criminalization of HIV Transmission and Exposure. 1st Annual Symposium on HIV, Law and Human Rights, Toronto, June 12-13, 2009

HIV Justice

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A writer and advocate on a range of HIV-related issues, Edwin has a particular specialism in HIV and the criminal law. He works with national and international HIV organisations, including the International AIDS Society, GNP+ and UNAIDS, as well having as a long association with NAM as a writer on this topic and as the former editor of HIV Treatment Update. To visit Edwin's blog and respond to posts click here.

This content was checked for accuracy at the time it was written. It may have been superseded by more recent developments. NAM recommends checking whether this is the most current information when making decisions that may affect your health.
Community Consensus Statement on Access to HIV Treatment and its Use for Prevention

Together, we can make it happen

We can end HIV soon if people have equal access to HIV drugs as treatment and as PrEP, and have free choice over whether to take them.

Launched today, the Community Consensus Statement is a basic set of principles aimed at making sure that happens.

The Community Consensus Statement is a joint initiative of AVAC, EATG, MSMGF, GNP+, HIV i-Base, the International HIV/AIDS Alliance, ITPC and NAM/aidsmap

This content was checked for accuracy at the time it was written. It may have been superseded by more recent developments. NAM recommends checking whether this is the most current information when making decisions that may affect your health.

NAM’s information is intended to support, rather than replace, consultation with a healthcare professional. Talk to your doctor or another member of your healthcare team for advice tailored to your situation.